Dr. Stoneman’s Practice
When you arrive at Dr. Stoneman’s Practice, head inside for a cut-scene. Stoneman has a lot to share. After the cut-scene, use the telephone on Stoneman‘s desk. You’ll get a new lead. Head to Willy’s Apartment.
Willy’s Apartment
There’s another cutscene when you arrive. After the cut-scene, search around for Willy. To find Willy, find the intersection of Vine and Hollywood. Go north up Vine on the west side of the street. When you go far enough there will be a cut-scene, and then you’ll have to chase Willy to the roof.
When you get all the way to the top, Willy will be climbing a tower and you’ll have to shoot him (if you shoot every letter down from the tower at the Broadway Hotel, you’ll unlock the L.A. Noire Give My Regards Achievement).
After the gun fight, there’s a cut-scene and the case is over, unlocking the L.A. Noire Eight Million Stories Achievement.
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