20th Century Market
When you arrive at the 20th Century Market, there will be a cut-scene. (If you skipped the soup factory and came here directly from Cruz’s house, the L.A. Noire High Flyer Achievement unlocks after the cut-scene for 20 gamer points.)
Don’t be too distracted by the achievement, though, because one of the suspects has started to flee, and you have to chase him down. Chase the suspect out the back of the building. If you are fast enough, you can tackle him in the parking lot. If you can’t tackle him, follow him up a ladder. When you catch up with him, you have to beat him in a brawl.
After you beat him, Cole convinces him to give up any drugs that he’s carrying. A little bit later, he also turns over a silver dollar, giving you the clue: Shopkeeper’s silver dollar. Then he hands over his wallet for identification. Investigate his identification to get his name: Airto Sanchez. You then question Sanchez:
- Knowledge of ‘E.J.’ >> Choose “Lie,” and use the clue: Juan’s silver dollar as evidence. This updates the POI to Ernesto Juarez.
- Parnell’s Soup shipments >> Choose “Doubt.”
(If you went to Parnell’s Soup Factory first, you will also have a third question available)
- Juan and Jorge Cruz >> Choose “Truth.”
Those are all the questions for Airto Sanchez. A cut-scene plays, and you are (back) at Parnell’s Soup Factory.
Parnell’s Soup Factory
After the cut-scene you get to raid Parnell’s Soup Factory. Grab a different gun out of your trunk if you like, then head into the building. Inside you find other police officers positioned for the raid. Like any other raid, just shoot all the bad guys. Be careful not to kill any civilians.
After all the goons are dead, there is a short cut-scene. Head into the room in front of you and investigate the body on the floor. In the body’s left hand you will find the clue: Gunman’s silver dollar. In his shirt pocket you find his wallet, identifying the gunman as Juarez, but this doesn’t give you a clue.
Go back out into the main room, and investigate the box that Earle is standing by. This gives you the clue: Boxed marijuana shipment. There is another brief cut-scene where an officer asks you a question. Then follow him through the factory and up some stairs to another body. In the corpse’s left hand is a wad of cash. In his shirt pocket you find the clue: Jorge’s silver dollar. Then there is another cut-scene.
After the cut-scene, Ray Pinker has laid out for you the US Morgan silver dollars puzzle. There are some letters printed on each silver dollar. Move the coins around so that the letters spell out Masangkay Metals. This unlocks the L.A. Noire Spare A Dime Achievement for 20 gamer points and gives you the clue: Collected silver dollars. Go to Masangkay Metals to continue along with this L.A. Noire Reefer Madness Case Guide.