Hall of Records
After the cut-scene, you find yourself at the Hall of Records. Enter the Hall and talk to the guard at the desk. Then go up the stairs to the land registry department. Talk to the man at the desk and follow him to the Suburban Redevelopment Fund records. While you are looking at the ledger, turn the page and click on the name C. Sheldon for POI: Courtney Sheldon. Then follow the man to a map to locate 34 degrees, 4 minutes, 29 seconds north and 118 degrees, 17 minutes, 58 seconds west. This will give you the clue: Elysian lot number 1876988. Follow the man to the adding machine to convert the number to a letter. A little bit of a cryptic explanation helps you figure out to look in row U. When you get there, pull out a ledger and find the name Randall Jones. Click the name, and a cut-scene will start. After the cut-scene, shoot the goons to start another cut-scene, giving you the POI: Dr. Harlan Fontaine.
Kelso’s Apartment
After the cut-scene, you are back in your apartment building. Answer the phone to start another cut-scene. You will get a new POI: Leland Monroe, and a new location: Leland Monroe’s Mansion. After this cut-scene, go to Monroe’s Mansion to continue the case.
Leland Monroe’s Mansion
When you arrive at the mansion, a cut-scene shows you meeting up with your friends before you storm the mansion. Fight through the men in the courtyard to get to the mansion. Once inside the mansion fight through each room until you find Monroe. A cut-scene plays and then you are free to investigate his room. Find a newspaper on the table behind his desk. Investigate the picture next to the newspaper as well. Look in Monroe’s safe and investigate the three items there. Finally, look on Monroe’s desk for a file with a list of names in it. Click the name “Sawyer” to start another cut-scene and close the case.
Did you like this L.A. Noire Case Guide for A Polite Invitation? Move on to the the next case guide — L.A. Noire Case Guide A Different Kind of War — or go back to the L.A. Noire Case Guide table of contents. (If you have the DLC, go to the L.A. Noire Nicholson Electroplating Case Guide.)
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